Restaurants and bars in Basel
Category: Excursion
Special search: Cheese Fondue
District 11: W-Kleinbasel, Kleinhüningen
Gastronomy on riverboats, on the Rhine, +41 61 639 95 00
Seasonal cuisine, Erlenpark, +41 61 681 40 22
Terrace lounge, Lange Erlen, +41 61 601 24 20
District 12: Eastern Kleinbasel
Alsacian cuisine, Landauerstrasse, +41 61 603 70 70
District 14: Muttenz and Birsfelden
Traditional cuisine, Muttenz, 4 km from Basel, +41 61 312 68 00
District 18: Liestal County
Regional cuisine, Bad Schauenburg, 20 km from Basel, +41 61 906 27 27
District 24: Waldenburg
Seasonal cuisine, Langenbruck, 34 km from Basel, +41 62 390 11 15
Regional cuisine, near Bretzwil, 30 km from Basel, +41 61 791 13 19
District 26: Thierstein-Dorneck
Granny's kitchen, Hofstetten, 14 km from Basel, +41 61 731 10 60
Traditional cuisine, Metzerlen, 19 km from Basel, +41 61 543 37 19
Trouts, seasonal cuisine, Nunningen, 26 km from Basel, +41 61 791 03 21
Mountain restaurant, near Beinwil, 38 km from Basel, +41 61 791 90 95
District 29: Other parts of Switzerland
Regional cuisine, Passwang, 45 km from Basel, +41 61 941 10 84