Restaurants and bars in Basel
Category: Banquets
Close to...: Euro Airport (4000m)
Distance [m]
Sorted by distance
District 31: France 2.7 km
Alsacian cuisine, Saint-Louis, 3 km von Basel, +33 389 69 38 14
District 31: France 2.8 km
Italian cuisine, Hésingue, 8 km from Basel, +33 389 67 90 90
Traditional seasonal cuisine, Village-Neuf, 9 km from Basel, +33 389 69 79 15
District 31: France 3.5 km
Seasonal cuisine, Huningue, 6 km from Basel, +33 981 11 40 17
District 9: Southwest 3.7 km
International cuisine, next to the Grand Casino, +41 61 327 30 30